Making a Positive Impact Together
March 14, 2023 - MoFo Diversity

MoFo’s 21-Day Happiness Challenge

mentoring month

Sponsored by the Mental Health Steering Committee and Women’s Strategy Committee

MoFo’s 21-Day Happiness Challenge is designed to help the MoFo community discover more happiness in 2023. Scientific studies show that happiness is associated with a host of benefits, including higher productivity, greater creativity, and stronger resilience in the face of stress.

In conjunction with the Challenge, Stacey Sprenkel, SF Litigation partner, Women’s Strategy Committee co-chair, and Mental Health Committee member, hosted a Designing a Personal Happiness Toolkit presentation with Rochelle Gapere, a happiness coach and lawyer. Stacey and Rochelle discussed science-backed strategies to increase individual happiness, common “happiness stealers,” happiness hacks, and tips to increase well-being and meaning in the workplace and also provided exercises to improve work-life integration. “What amazed me the most is how far science has come in its ability to measure happiness and identify actions we can do to impact our personal level of happiness and well-being,” Stacey shared after the discussion.

During the Challenge, 350+ participants completed short daily activities, curated by the American Bar Association, that are geared towards understanding and developing the tools that can grow and maintain happiness. Small group discussions were held on a weekly basis for colleagues to share thoughts with the goal to glean learnings and provide support to one another as we work toward a more sustained sense of happiness and well-being.