Making a Positive Impact Together
March 08, 2019 - MoFo Women

#BalanceforBetter: Sylvia Rivera

#BalanceforBetter: Sylvia Rivera

Sylvia Rivera is a litigation partner in MoFo’s Los Angeles office. Her practice focuses on a diverse range of complex business litigation, with an emphasis on class-action defense and financial services litigation.

What advice would you give to the next generation of women who want to pursue a career in the legal industry?

Just do it! Young women lawyers are entering the profession during an unprecedented time of opportunity and consciousness. There is a seat at the table for you. Work hard and seek out mentors, and the possibilities will be limitless.

Tell us about a female role model in your life who inspires you. How has she played a part in the movement to achieve better balance for women?

I’m inspired by my colleagues at MoFo — associates and partners alike — who devote their valuable time to organizing and executing women’s initiatives and mentoring junior associates. They “pay it forward” by helping to create a work environment that’s supportive and nimble when it comes to addressing women’s issues.

How have you seen MoFo embrace gender balance as a business priority? 

I’ve witnessed MoFo’s commitment to gender equity across all areas of the business. From our law school recruiting efforts, in which I’ve participated as an advocate, to our impressive record of promoting women to partner, from which I’ve personally benefitted, it’s both a moral and business imperative that we stand behind.

Read more Q&As from our global community of MoFo Women here.