Making a Positive Impact Together
August 19, 2024 - MoFo Life

Providing Opportunity to Grow and Support to Succeed – Johann Choo

my mofo story choo

Editor's note: Read about Johann Choo, who participated in MoFo’s 2024 Summer Associate Program in our Washington, D.C. office, in this installment of our MoFo Stories series.

Having worked for multiple years in a law-adjacent field before attending law school, I knew not all things from the classroom translated to practice. Therefore, during my time in school, I had a constant desire to experience things firsthand and see how they played out in reality. At MoFo, I was able to do exactly that.

During my first summer at MoFo, I was given opportunities from the beginning. Associates and partners alike were happy to bring me in and give me the exposure and experience I had craved leading up to the summer. I drafted internal memos for ongoing matters, claim charts for patent contentions, and presentations for business development. While the flood of opportunities (and responsibilities) was initially daunting, a support network of associates, fostered through MoFo’s intentionally collegial environment, provided the confidence and tools to succeed. Associates Nate Tan, Reebhel El-Hage, and Jenna Spoont were especially kind and generous with their time. If I had questions on how to approach a problem, what next steps should look like, or how something could be improved, they were always willing to take the time to dive into it with me.

Coming back for a second summer, I was excited to continue where I left off. MoFo did not disappoint. In addition to reinforcing relationships from the past summer, I was fortunate to be paired with Charles Provine as my work coordinator, who was an ever-available source of knowledge and encouragement—pushing me to continue taking on a variety of opportunities and to widen my horizons. Knowing this was my second year, the attorneys were mindful of my desire for new experiences, and intentionally pulled me onto matters distinct from those I had worked on previously. Among other things, I was able to draft articles, sit in on depositions, and contribute to motions, gaining more of the hands-on experience I wanted. 

As this second summer ends, I can look back and say MoFo has exceeded my expectations. Every step of the way, opportunities have been presented and support has been provided to see me succeed. While my legal career is only beginning, I am confident that MoFo has and will both encourage and enable me to be the best attorney I can be.